Splatoon 3 Splatfest: Revealing the Victorious Side between Money, Fame, and Love – Complete Results

Splatoon 3 Splatfest: Revealing the Victorious Side between Money, Fame, and Love – Complete Results

Splatoon 3 Splatfest: Revealing the Victorious Side between Money, Fame, and Love – Complete Results

The Exciting Splatfest Battle

Splatoon 3 recently held its much-anticipated Splatfest, pitting players against each other in a heated battle to determine the champion side. The competition revolved around three core themes: Money, Fame, and Love. In this article, we will reveal the victorious side and delve into the reasons behind their triumph. Join us as we explore the thrilling world of Splatoon and uncover the winners in this exhilarating Splatfest showdown.

A Clash of Desires: Money, Fame, and Love

In Splatoon 3’s Splatfest, participants were divided into teams based on their preferences: Money, Fame, or Love. Each faction presented its persuasive arguments, highlighting the unique benefits and desires associated with their chosen theme.


The Money team advocated for the power and security that financial prosperity brings. They embraced the idea that money opens doors, enables a comfortable lifestyle, and provides opportunities for personal growth and freedom. Supporters argued that with money, one can pursue their dreams, travel the world, and secure a stable future. The promise of luxury and indulgence captured the attention of players looking to unlock new possibilities.


The Fame enthusiasts celebrated the thrill of the spotlight and the recognition that comes with it. They believed that fame offered a chance to influence society, express oneself creatively, and leave a lasting impact on the world. Advocates of this team argued that fame would provide opportunities to collaborate with renowned artists, gain a loyal following, and revel in the admiration of fans. The allure of being at the center of attention resonated with those seeking validation and recognition.


The Love supporters embraced the power of connection and profound relationships. They cherished the beauty of love in all its forms, advocating for strong bonds, empathy, and compassion. Followers of this team emphasized the joy that comes from loving and being loved, highlighting the meaningful experiences shared with friends, family, and romantic partners. The appeal of love’s emotional fulfillment attracted players who valued deep connections and genuine happiness.

The Battleground: Inkopolis Square

The Splatfest arena in Splatoon 3 was set in the vibrant and colorful Inkopolis Square. Both teams battled fiercely, covering the streets with vibrant ink and showcasing their unique playstyles. The atmosphere was electrifying as players strategized, deployed their unique weapons, and collaborated with their teammates to gain territory and splatter their opponents.

The Splatfest festivities included various challenges and mini-games, bringing a sense of camaraderie and excitement to the event. From inky obstacle courses to team-based challenges, participants had endless opportunities to showcase their skills, earn rewards, and contribute to their team’s overall success.

The Outcome: Revealing the Victorious Side

After hours of intense battles, fierce competition, and countless ink-splattering encounters, a definitive champion team emerged. The results of Splatoon 3’s Splatfest revealed that the victorious side was Love!

The Love team captured the hearts of both players and spectators, garnering an impressive win rate and demonstrating exceptional teamwork. Their dedication to fostering genuine connections and embracing the power of love proved to be an undeniable force on the battlefield.

The Power of Love:

The triumph of the Love team signifies the profound longing for love and the significance it holds in our lives. Players who resonated with this theme reveled in the joy of forming deep connections and celebrating meaningful relationships. Splatoon 3’s Splatfest provided a platform for them to express the importance of empathy, compassion, and togetherness.

Lessons From the Splatfest:

While the Love team emerged victorious, it is important to recognize that each theme has its merits and resonates with different individuals for various reasons. The Money team highlighted the financial security and freedom money brings, while the Fame team embraced the potential for artistic expression and influence. The Splatfest served as a reminder that our individual desires and aspirations shape our perspectives in unique ways.


Splatoon 3’s Splatfest provided a thrilling platform for players to engage in intense battles, showcasing their skills and demonstrating their allegiance to Money, Fame, or Love. The victorious Love team emerged triumphant, embodying the power of profound connections and the joy derived from shared experiences.

As the ink settles and the excitement fades, let the unity and sportsmanship displayed during this Splatfest serve as a reminder of the importance of embracing love and celebrating genuine relationships. Splatoon 3 continues to captivate players, and we eagerly await the next exhilarating event that awaits in the world of Inkopolis.[2]

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